Shell Marine has extended its relationship with China COSCO Shipping Company Limited (COSCO SHIPPING) businesses, after winning a contract to supply lubricants for five 62,000 dwt multi-purpose pulp carriers due delivery to COSCO SHIPPING Specialized Carriers Co Ltd in 2019 and 2020.
The lubricants contract, won in a competitive negotiation process, calls for delivery of the two-stroke engine cylinder oils Shell Alexia 100 and Shell Alexia 40 and the multi-functional lubricants Shell Melina S30 and Shell Argina S3 40. Alexia 100 and Alexia 40 are part of Shell Marine’s portfolio of cylinder oils protecting two-stroke engines across a full range of vessel operating profiles, machinery specifications and fuel sulphur contents, now and after the introduction of IMO’s global sulphur cap from January 1, 2020.
“There is a direct relationship between the quality of marine lubricants and engine reliability, and Shell Marine is delighted to have once again secured a major contract with COSCO SHIPPING group,” said Joris van Brussel, Shell Marine Global General Manager. “We look forward to working with COSCO SHIPPING to optimise their vessels’ total cost of ownership and by meeting expectations for deliveries to an extensive list of ports.”
Shell Marine LubeAnalyst drain oil analysis is integral to the new agreement, added van Brussel. “Increasingly, discerning owners want a single supplier to offer proven lubricant performance supported by global logistics and comprehensive technical services. Our customers also have the right to expect peace of mind when it comes to cylinder oil performance, availability and service support – before, during and after the IMO 2020 sulphur cap transition,” he said.
Shell Marine offers a complete portfolio of lubricating oils for marine engines burning gas, heavy fuel, gas oil or liquid biofuel. All its engine oils are designed to minimise deposit build-up and keep engines clean. Its Shell Alexia oils meet a full range of vessel type and fuel grade needs offering owners peace of mind on IMO 2020 fuel sulphur content compliance, whether slow steaming, operating in emissions control areas or undertaking fuel switching.